Saturday 15 September 2012

Just a

quick little post to make up for my neglect a leetle bit.
Last week was ridiculously hectic, this week has been annoying, and before that was drama central. Since I last posted I have: gained a job, lost a job, gotten close to gaining a newer job, bought an insane amount of things that I neither need or can afford, made new friends (including but not limited to, the beautiful simon posted below), got back in contact with old friends, rediscovered my love for diet pepsi and watched the Godfather part 1. Again (L) 

I brought new glasses that came this week, which i'm in love with a little bit! They are just one of many things i've brought on ebay lately. I'm slightly obsessed with ebay. An bidding wars. There is nothing better for passing time than random little bidding wars, they're pure fun.
 I also brought this beautiful creature, who is known as Simon.Simon got threatened by my sister in law when I held her purse hostage in asda, but he survived. Simons a survivor like that. Simon is also a penguin by night and a phone case by day. Or something like that. He's also a ninja!  :)

I can think of nothing else to say. Mostly 'cause i'm boring, partly cause i'm too busy singing to pay attention to my thought process, oops. Music is winning more than ebay, though. Music is amazeballs <3
This week I am going to: make a conscious effort to post more often, stop drinking so much diet pepsi, do something with my life. Probably. 

Tuesday 14 August 2012

This week i've been,

a neglectful little person. My poor blog but feel extremely unloved, and possibly a little bit lonely.
Truth is, I've had a crazy random week filled with drama, and trying not to die at the hands of my biggest loser ultimate workout. Not that the kinect has hands, it does have a creepy sensor that follows me, though. The first time I noticed it I felt slightly uncomfortable. Technology could well have the capacity to take over the world one day, and if it can do that, who's to say it can't watch me through a well placed sensor? Creepington. 
However, if you enjoy sweating and feeling near death, go pick up the biggest loser UW, I guarentee you'll have trouble breathing by the time you've finished a work out. Unless you're super fit, but if you are you're probably off jogging or climbing mountains or something, not reading a blog on t'internet. But if you're taking a break from all that exercise malarkey, hi super fit people, i'm jealous of your super fitness! 
One day I will learn to stay on topic, and that will be a good day. Or a boring one, depends what the topic is, I suppose. 
Anywho, this week hasn't been filled with muchly worth sharing. I do have new hair, though. Well, i've dyed it darker, not magically grown a whole new head of hair. Although that would be awesome, I could do with a few more inches on my hair, short hair does not suit me. Thank you whoever developed and first sold hair extensions, you've made my head and my ego very happy. 
I also did something I haven't done for many years in the past week. I brought jogging bottoms! Not to jog in, because that's for awesome people, and i'm no Barney from How I met your mother (I'm not blonde or cool enough, le sob) I brought them because they're dotty. And I like dotty things, and comfortable things. They are both, and that is awesomeee :) 
I have absolutely nothing else to say, partly because my life is boring, and partly because if I carry on, i'll have to change this blog name to "Morning ramblings of a crazy person", and that would involve effort. And it probably already exists somewhere.

'Til next time, lovely interwebbers (aka the people I talk into reading, and the few random people who probably sit and mock my idiocy)
Au revoirr :) 

Friday 3 August 2012

I think

I may be dying. Well, I'm not, but I do feel like a zombie. I've had a lovely morning so far. I woke up at half 6 in sheer panic mode, as the realisation that I didn't turn my alarm on last night hit, and I was convinced it was far later than it was. Once realising it was in fact so early that the sun itself had barely made an appearance, I attempted to go back to sleep. But where's the fun in that, eh? 
So instead, I shall spend the day living off roughly 4 hours of sleep, and probably try not to doze off in the middle of something important, but we'll see how that goes later. 
I've had a relatively boring week, as per always. I brought two of the prettiest scarves i've ever seen, got the best bargain shoes ever, and decided that covering my face in too much make up is boring. Note: The little shops by Birmingham Markets? Awesome for a good little bargain. My scarves are currently my babies. 
I am also now in posession of Mortal Kombat. I'd heard about it, and i'd been meaning to give it a go for a while, then I did at my best friends house, et voilla. It is amazing, or in my humble opinion t'is, anyway. I am determined to learn at least one finish move, so I can rule at it, but i'm having a little bit too much trouble. Who knew trying to hold down like, 7 keys at once would be difficult? I am unco-ordinated, though, so that could well be why. I choose to blame the controller, though. It's stupid. Even if I have never had a problem with it before :) 
Anyone who has a kinect should go and buy kinect sports. Now. You haven't had a good laugh until you've attempted to throw, catch, hit and jump over non-existant objects, it's tres amusing. Especially when parents get involved. Seriously, get your parents involved. I have never laughed as much as I did watching my mother attempt to jump over hurdles. Then again, i'm really no better myself. I need a javelin teacher, also. I'm determined to beat the high score set by someone that wasn't me. That was also probably my mother, she's awesome at sports, I did not inherit that from her. In fact, I may well have been related to the clumsiest, least sporty person in the world. Unless that actually is me, which is very possible. I'm awesome 'til I have to move :D 
I am now going to move my bum, by that I mean get up, not do a little bum wiggly dance for the benefit of anyone watching me through my window. Though I might do that, too. It is Friday, afterall :P 

Adios, loveliesss :) xo

Sunday 29 July 2012

nananananananana amazeballs :) 
I went to see the dark knight rises this week, and it was ridiculously good. And, I even got my Liam Neeson fix! I won't give anything away, 'cause I'm sure some of you would like to see it for yourselves, but if you're a superhero fan, or a batman fan, or fancy roughly 30 seconds of the beautiful Liam Neeson (there are many other lovely faces in it if he doesn't float your boat) then watch it. Now. Or soon, at least. 
Time not spent watching / thinking about le batman, has been spent enjoying the sunshine, bugging people who love me, and singing completely tunelessly to songs I like. Oh summer, i love thee :) 
I've also made a pledge to myself that I shall be updating this pretty little blog once a week, at the verily least. I find i'm posting less lately, as every time I go to, I realise it's unlikely you want to read about me learning a new sentence in spanish (mi color favourito es translate it if ye must :P), or finding a large spider on the ceiling (it disappeared, which makes me very nervous. If you live near my house, ruuuun!) or many of the other random things that pop into my head and make me think 'hm, I should share this with the world'. 
 Also: Taken two is out soon! If anyone knows the exact date, please comment and tell me! I actually squealed a little bit when I saw the 'Taken 2: Coming soon' board in the cinema. I. love. taken. And Liam Neeson in general, incase we didn't all already know this :) 

This week, aside from the above, i've: rediscovered my love of lenseless glasses, water and lace. I've also spent lots of time on my kinect sports thingy. I suck at bowling!  

Next week i'm: Digging out my black trousers and blouses, and scouring the world for a job. Well, probably not the world, but close enough. I'm also going birthday present hunting for my best friend, who is one of the hardest people to buy for in the world. I might just make her a 'friend cheques' book. Like "I will say nothing but nice things to you for the next 10 minutes", and "I will be quiet from now until you next ask me a question" - Anyone who knows me, knows this is probably the best gift I could give :) 

Adios, Amigos, I'm going to try and beat the kinect at bowling now. Wish me luck, I need it :) 


Saturday 21 July 2012


Hola, interwebbers
So, i've been majorly neglecting this pretty little blog lately, shame on me! I'm going to try harder to post more frequently, though. Thumb promise! :) 
I have recently been drawn into the 50 shades universe, has many other people have, and this has taken p a lot of my time. Discussing it has taken up even more of my time. I have apparently turned into one of those people who takes to frequently discussing not only the book, but who should play who in the movie. I have my ideas, and I think the casting crew should contact me and try them out, 'cause in my brain, they're perfect! I'm not going to waffle on about them, 'cause i'm sure many of you don't care, but if they do it 'wrong' I just might cry, pout and blog about it. Or moan about it for a little bit, then get over it. One of the two :P 
I've been taking time out of reading lately to stalk ebay. Me and my best friend have developed a love of finding things we like and getting into bidding wars. Or more, I find things I like, and she bids on them for me 'cause she enjoys the bidding wars. And has a paypal, I broke mine. :( 
As such, I got the cutest little betsey johnson earrings for pennies. They're little bees with diamonds on, and they're absolutely beautiful. Shopaholic, Level: Obsessed. (: 
Ohh, I recently passed 200 views! Even though most of that is probably my sister *cough*blogstalker*cough* and other random people I know, and occasionally love, thank youu! I feel less like a crazy person knowing people tune in to read my ramblings, it makes me feel special! *manic grin*
I can think of absolutely nothing else to say, which is probably a first. So i'm leaving you. 

Keep reading, and feel free to comment. Unless it's telling me i'm insane and should be checked into a loony bin. Stating the obvious in such a way is not necessary! :P 

Au Revoir, boys and girls :)

Saturday 7 July 2012


Buenos Dias! 
Me llama Dannielle, y tu? 
Mi color favourito es naranja, y soy englatairre. 
So, I didn't reach 5 +1s, but I thought I'd give you a taste of what you were missing anyway. Shame on all of you! I would've posted sooner, but I've been on holiday in the lovely place known as Butlins. I think I'm actually slightly obsessed with Butlins, to be honest. Someone should call and ask them very nicely to give me a job. In fact, you should all call and ask them to give me a job! I'd actually love love love to work there, the sights and atmosphere are amazing..and I'd probably spend most of my free time playing pool and attempting to master archery, two things I'd enjoy doing quite a lot! 
Incase you all can't tell, I had a pretty amazing week last week, Mr Butlins, you are my hero, and the reason I'm considering stalking the higher ups of Butlins Minehead in the hopes that they'll employ me. Well, not stalk, more like ask them very, very nicely. I'm good with people, and I'm very polite and stuff. 
But yes, this blog post shall not focus entirely on Butlins, unfortunately I'm aware of the fact that most of you don't care that I'm slightly obsessed with Minehead at the minute.

I currently have a bone to pick with Cash converters. I paid for a dvd, and they gave me 'said' dvd..'cept it was the wrong one. I watched it, I enjoyed it, and when I went to discuss it with others, I was told the film I watched was not infact the film I'd paid for. Bummer. However, you should all watch whatever it is. I'd recommend it highly. If I actually knew what it was. It was about a group of soliders who escape from going to prison, and go on to take over a mission other people should've done. Except they accidently killed the other people. I'd go on more, but if you ever come across the film, it might be unwittingly spoilt for you, and that'd be extremely unfair now, wouldn't it, lovelies? 

 Yet another thing i'd recommend (but this one, I actually know the name of!) is Raspberry lucozade sport. It tastes pretty, something my youngest niece apparently agrees with me on, as she has a tendency to steal it off me. Apparently two year olds can outwit me and steal my drinks now, clearly I'm a winner.

I'd continue to write, but I don't think I have anything else to say, which makes a change. My head is usually filled with pointless drivel, said drivel seems to currently be awol. I suppose this should be a good thing, but alas, my brain feels empty without the randomness which usually lives there. 

I shall update soon! Sooner than this time, more than likely. So keep your pretty ole eyes peeled for more drivel, updates and sheer babble soon! -manly voice- I'll be back. :) 

Adios, mon amores. 

Monday 25 June 2012


Hola, blogerinos and blogerinas :) 
You will all (probably) be pleased to hear that i'm nowhere near five +1s on my last blog, which means its unlikely there shall be a fully spanish blog post. I'm sure you're all gutted, right? Atleast pretend to be, for my pride!..or not. Not is good too, I suppose. 

I did something fantastical today!! dun dun duunnnn:
I went shopping, and brought almost only things I needed! Birthday presents, a pretty little dress...I even got socks! And if you know me, you'll know how I feel about socks. and feet. *shudders*. For those of you who don't know me, I dislike both. Socks are uncomfortable, and feet are disgusting. Or they are in my humble opinion, anyway. 
I also spent the day with my best friend, a girl who probably secretly wishes she'd turned and walked away the first time I spoke to her..I have that effect on people sometimes. I'm awesome in a really annoying way :P. 

So far this week, my top 5 favourite things are: 
My little handbag sized mirror - a beautiful little thing I got in spain, and have owned since I was 14!
My rimmel 321 mascara - my eyelashes look amazeballs :) 
My floral printed pajama bottoms - Primark is my hero. 
My new flannel shirt - I look like a farmer or something, and it was ridiculouserly cheap. Win x 2. 
Debra Messings eyes - After watching a film with her in, I have decided that she has some of the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. If you know her, ask her if she'd like to swap eyes with me, por favor :D.

PS. Contrary to what's posted above, I secretly do want to attempt to do a blog in espanol..+1 the blog before this one, and make other people +1 it..and comment if you'd like a mention. If I get five +1s, not only shall I post an entire blog post in spanish, but i'll also add a sentence, in spanish, about every person who comments on the post before this one. Not this one. The last one. Just incase you don't understand beforeh this uno, por favor. Or something like that.

Adios, minions :) <3